Az évek hullámai messze sodornak az élet tengerén, de ha valahol ott vagy, s hajód felém tart, hát lopd el a szívem, lopd el a szerelmem, lopd el a legmerészebb vágyaim… Lopd el, ha tudod… Mert néha elég egy pillanat, amikor az utcán rám nézel, s utána mindig ott leszek veled. Persze lehet, hogy tévedek. 😉 – Peter Noel Szerzői és minden jog fenntartva. Megosztható változtatás nélkül, mindennemű egyéb felhasználása engedélyköteles.
Az eddigi legolvasottabb posztom: Érdemes megnézni.
Many of my acquaintances look for the “I love you so much, I will never leave you, I will always love you” relationships. Well, I don’t yearn for it. I don’t know what the matter is with me, but I never could believe in such statements in this way. I learned that I must solve all my problems by myself. And when I got into a hole I had to climb out of it by myself. And if my faith left me, I had to find it by myself. And if there were too myna shadows, I had to set all of them to fire. But deep inside perhaps all of us have a slight desire for sharing things with someone, for having someone standing beside us, when life starts to bite.
The waves of life drift us far on the sea of life, but if you are nearby, sailing towards me, please steal my heart, steal my love and my most challenging dreams. Steal, if you can… Because sometimes a moment is enough, when you look at me in the street, and then I will be with you forever. Perhaps I may be mistaken. 😉 – Peter Noel Copyright and all rights reserved. Shareable without modification, any other use requires authorization.
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